An online lecture and book launch with author Dr. Akiva Sanders, Pratt Institute, for Violence and Imagination after the Collapse: Encounters, Identity & Daily Life in the Upper Euphrates Region, 3200-2500 BCE. Subartu 52. ( Turnhout: Brepols 2024)
A hybrid lecture by Dr. Deniz Berk Tokbudak, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversity
ARIT Ankara and online, 7 pm (Ankara) and 11 am (EST)
This event celebrates longtime ARIT scholar and friend Dr. Ousterhout, a prolific writer, and caring friend and mentor. His ground-breaking publications significantly influenced the field of Byzantine studies, integrating written sources, material culture, and the elements of climate, environment, economy, and socio-religious history.
Hybrid, all-day event, Istanbul time
An online lecture by Dr. Müge Durusu Tanrıöver, Temple University and Bilkent University
A Symposium on Constantinople and the Black Sea in Imperial Russian Imagination at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul.
Cosponsored with the Swedish Institute and the Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes.
An online lecture by Dr. Mark Lawall, University of Manitoba. In collaboration with the Koç University Mustafa V. Koç Maritime Archaeology Research Center (KUDAR) and the Institute of Nautical Archaeology
A conference honoring Professor Zafer Toprak cosponsored with ARIT, ANAMED. and the Türk Amerikan İlmi Araştırmaları Derneği.
A hybrid lecture in conjunction with the Hungarian-Turkish Cultural year given by Gergő Máté Kovács, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
A hybrid lecture with David Meza, University of California, Riverside.