ARIT Newsletter On-Line
the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter annually, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. The Newsletter provides information about the ARIT’s recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.
- December 31, 2024Letter from ARIT President Linda T. Darling, University of Arizona and new ARIT awards; ARIT Ankara celebrates opening of new facilities; Istanbul collaborative programs. Fellows report on the language of Roman inscriptions in Anatolia, Savafid and Anatolian carpets, local justice in Mardin, the Six Regiments – Ottoman household cavalry Access issue 67 for 2024
- January 1, 2024Letter from ARIT President Linda T. Darling, University of Arizona; new facilities in Istanbul and Ankara; summer program in Turkish language, fellowships and donors. Fellows report on Ottoman poetry in Turkish language, analysis of dental remains from Early Bronze Age Karataş-Semayük, music production of the Roman (Gypsy) families. Access issue 66 for 2023
- December 22, 2022Heritage conservation at the Feriköy Cemetery and digital library projects in Istanbul. Language program returns to Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. Online lectures are accessible via YouTube ARIT fellows reports: Fashion and the Camera in the Late Ottoman Empire. Greek Schools and Ottoman Patronage in the Late 18th to Early 19th Centuries. “Rural” Culture and Identity in Roman Bithynia. View volume 65 ...
- December 22, 2021New ARIT research and library projects. ARIT centers open with precautions. ARIT fellows reports: Late Ottoman political moralists and modernists Archaeology of Graeco-Roman medicine of the Imperial age in western Turkey View volume 64 here
- October 1, 2020ARIT Ankara and Istanbul present new online programs. ARIT centers closed but offering limited services. ARIT fellows reports: Peoples’ parks of the early Republic Studies in Syriac identity View volume 63 here
- October 1, 2019ARIT Istanbul director Dr. Antony Greenwood retires; new director Zeynep Simavi takes up the post. Visiting interns work on American Board Archives and Feriköy Cemetery projects. ARIT Ankara collaborates to offer a workshop on the joint heritage of the Pergamon-Lesbos micro-region. Remembering CAORC’s Dr. Mary Ellen Lane. ARIT fellows report: Drama in Greek festivals of Asia Minor Uyghur language and culture ...
- October 1, 2018ARIT fundraising successes and ongoing needs. Istanbul Library at Bibliopera; American Board Archives development. Ankara facilitates local conference on islands of the Byzantine Mediterranean and a writing workshop for students. ARIT fellows reports: 18th Century Ottoman textiles Cheese-making in northeastern Turkey Late Roman Pottery of Arycanda View volume 61 here
- October 1, 2017ARIT Istanbul relocates to ANAMED in Beyoğlu. ARIT Ankara collaborates to present programs to protect cultural heritage. Hanfmann and Mellink fellows present a symposium. ARIT fellows report: Iron and Bronze Age imperial expansion in light of botanical remains Study of economic, social, and cultural ties between the U.S. and the Ottoman Empire View volume 60 here